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About three years ago I fell in love with the color orange. It’s such a fun coastal color. Teal is also a favorite of mine. They are such vibrant, happy colors. When I got on the orange kick, I purchased some orange recycled plastic outdoor furniture and then decided to paint my front door with this new found love of mine. It wasn’t as simple as I thought. Do you know that Sherwin Williams alone has over 50 variations of the color orange? I decided on a color called Tango. It was such a cheerful color and I was so excited. We had already hired a painter who was working on our home in Rockport, so I decided to have him paint the door as well. He had his opinion of the appropriate “orange” color. (Whose house is this anyway?!) I quickly dismissed his suggestion and went forward with my own idea. Of course, I thought it was fabulous. As it turns out, colors mean a lot to people. They attribute it to things they love. My daughter, a graduate of UT, obviously loves orange, specifically burnt orange. My sons like Whataburger orange. My husband, who graduated from OU, was okay as long as it wasn’t “UT orange”. Then comes a visit from his family. They are big, BIG, I’m talking HUGE, OU fans. Their first comment was it looked like OSU orange. Trying to be neutral and not getting anywhere near UT, I claim it’s closer to Tennessee orange. Linda’s husband is an Aggie. Do I even need to tell you what he thinks of orange or any variation thereof? Geez Louise, so many opinions on one little color. How did this color turn into a representation of college sports? I tried my best to deny that orange related to any sports team UNTIL NOW. We have the WORLD SERIES CHAMPION ASTROS!!!! Everything orange from here on out, no matter what the shade or name, will be Astros Orange in our shop. Now that’s a color everyone loves. The best team, our Houston Astros! No arguments there. Loving my door all over again, now it just needs that star.